To critique without advice,
is to remove but not replace,
helpful if you extract a chasm, a void,
and the natural vacuum may rush options in,
chaotically at first
but everything settles eventually.
If an anomaly happened next
how would that affect now?
A million results could factor from this one
and the mind could imagine many of them,
any of which could become a prediction later.
Conjecture and imagine
and the future will come undeterred.
Vision tilts with a warp of unseen force,
reorganizing itself in such
that the balance reinstated
suits the new curve
and though the trajectory changed,
the course remains.
You will struggle and fight
your whole life,
but like work,
if the result has value,
the effort will inspire
curiosity to continue.
Follow the light of your life.
It may flicker or blaze,
extinguish and relight,
sometimes multiple beacons confuse
and sometimes they’re absent or obscured
but eventually
you will emerge.